Unfortunately, bent has come down with some bug that kept her in bed the whole day. But DJ "I love Edward Cullen", DJ Ana, and I spent a beautiful evening together in the center of Madrid. Before we get to that, let's just say that Mothershiester has had a difficult time getting up in the morning. Late starts are part of this girl's game and she needs to snap out of it. But alas on the bright side of things, I'm quite relaxed despite starting the day at 1 p.m. And there was alot of accomplished.
1. I went to the market with DJ Ana to get supplies for a delicious beef stew that she made. We had a very spanish lunch, not because of what we ate but how we ate it. It was in 3 courses and we took it between 2 and 4 pm. It's even part of the commercial culture of Spain. Alot of shops close during those times so that the workers and owners or owners/workers can go and get their eat on.
2. After the tasty meal, I went out on my own to the downtown center of Madrid. Thankfully, DJ Ana gave me awesome directions for my first outing solo. I took the Opera stop and walked along called de arenal where i felt like I was going to be engulfed in the crowds. I wonder if it is this busy during the non-holiday season. The area that i was walking through is basically closed to cars. You can walk around and do alot of window shopping or stopping in for vino o cafe at a bar.
I bought a few things including these asombroso lps from this store called Killer's Discos. You may recognize some of these folks from our website. I think they area all Spanish musicians from the 80s including Radio Futura, Nacha Pop, and Los Secretos. Don't quote me on that.

Very stoked for this one!
3. I met up with DJ Ana, DJ "I love Edward Cullen", y DJ Ana's friends, DJ "Trapecio" y DJ "Cumpleanos" for Crepusculo aka Twilight. My new favorite move. It was subtitled in spanish and not dubbed. Dubbing sometimes is not a good idea. Okay, I like it alot more the second time. And I loved it the first time.

Vale, tengo ir. Pero take the time to comment. And pray that bent will pulvarize the bug para manana.
holy shit, i am hoping and praying they are going to play it on the plane otherwise i am dragging you all to see it in madrid again.
round tres! xoxox
lolz well dj trash that may yet come to pass. we shall see. so happy you are here finally!!!
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