Thanks for checking in and also commenting! Responses to comments are coming, they have been delayed by extraordinary circumstances. It's a long story but it involves thieves, late night Madrid, stupid police (duh), and the loss of two cameras, credit cards, euros, assorted other things and most importantly the Mothersheister's passport and therefor visa to be in Spain and to go to Morocco. This is a calamity of the highest proportion and we have spent the last 15 almost sleepless hours trying to resolve it but in the end there is only so much we can do. It had to happen on a Friday night, the day before we were scheduled to leave for Morocco, just hours after we bought bus tickets to the straits of Gibraltar b/c the bus was selling out of seats. So in addition to the actual items, the thieves also temporarily stole all our fun and joy in life, stole our trip to Morocco from us, stop about 150 euros/$200ish dollars for the fees to cancel the tickets, and much more that is not articulable.
Fortunately, a bright ray of sun did arrive about 5 hours after this tragedy struck - the infamous djs choque y fuga arrived in Madrid from DC and we were overjoyed to see them. They have brought great strength and support to all of us here already including dj RadIUS (who we are not able to post photos of his first day b/c they are almost all gone with the two stolen cameras. that of course is in addition to the stolen/lost camera of our second day here. and the stolen sweater and jacket of dj ana the night before. Ay Cabron!!!!)
We are now temporarily shacked up in a cute hotel downtown just of Plaza Puerta del Sol, one of the most important public squares in Madrid, to get some needed rest and regroup to make a new plan.
We understand the social dynamics of theft, and have not been exempt from engaging in it in relatio to multinational corporations or for immediate need, but we would never take someone's wallet with their travel documents. Fine, take the money, but leave the damn passport. Of course such demands from the karma of the universe are met with silent betrayal. Especially considering the number of times we have gone out of our way to return IDs and such to people, or other stolen goods.
Perhaps Mothersheister will be interested in recounting the full details or some of them at a later date but now it is still a bit too raw, so we'll leave it at this. We will bring updates as soon as possible, and thanks again for reading and all your support, especially to djs robbins-sibouih.
Stay tuned!! We leave you with a beautiful moment of happier days, climbing the mountains of Madrid

oh my goodness, we love you so. all djs are being sent much much love from the kasri-sibouih clan in rabat-sale, and an extended welcome for any time in the future. much sadness was felt upon learning the news, but we all have high hopes that you will cross the straits one day and go on to the beautiful dunes of merzouga...and then on to the love-laden treats of naima's kitchen. one day. you will. in the meantime, damn those thieves. i was robbed once in rabat and the only reason i got my id's and such back was because dj sibouih was nearby and ready to offer a run/beatdown, plus there was some random medina dj who owned a sword on the chase. yup.
oh snap. sorry to hear spain is not all unicorns and rainbows (that's how i envisioned your trip). i'm glad y'all are safe and that the rat and trash have arrived to madrid.
lotsa love and i'm thinking bout u all!
thanks mary that story is amazing and had us cracking up, bringing a much needed smile to mothersheister's face. definitely wish we had a sword.
we too envisioned our trip that way natty boom, and thanks for the love. missing you much, but at least we had a fantastic time in the end.
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